Apology Restorative Justice Solution-Focused

Teaching Youth How to Make Apologies Using Restorative Justice Principles

Making effective apologies is a necessary skill.  Yet few of us know how to do it and most of us fail to teach our children how to make effective apologies.  Many of us think we can simply say, “I’m sorry,” or “Please forgive me.”  But often an apology requires that we do more.  Restorative justice principles provide ideal questions to ask others and ourselves when we need to make a meaningful apology. Ben Furman is…

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Inspiration Restorative Justice San Patrignano Solution-Focused

Imagining Miracles

About five years ago I learned about solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solution_focused_brief_therapy), which focuses on “preferred futures” instead of “problem talk,” and since then I have been applying it to my work and life. While restorative justice gives us the opportunity to face wrongdoing and social injustice by imaging what we need to heal or to make things right, SFBT provides specific language skills that help us do this kind of thinking, and ultimately create…

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