crime prevention news prisons Restorative Justice Victims

NIJ Report: Prison Doesn’t Deter Crime Supports Restorative Processes

The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) has released findings of what deters criminal behavior. The NIJ offers five findings that it has learned from extensive research in criminal deterrence including the failure of prisons to deter crime. Prison the NIJ says instead can cause people to become more criminal. The findings support restorative responses to crime instead of punishment. The United States, excluding the federal government, spends $53 billion a year on prisons and in…

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Apology Communication Family forgiveness news Restorative Justice Victims

New York Times Article Shows Why Restorative Justice is Needed

The February 5, 2012 New York Times article by Kovaleski et al, For Killers’ Families, Struggles With Shame, Silence and Fear shows why we need restorative justice. The article describes how family members are also harmed by their loved one’s criminal behavior. It shows the need for restorative interventions that can help many families deal with the harm they suffer. The article describes how lawyer Nader Hasen, whose cousin is the psychiatrist from Ft.…

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news prisons Reentry & Transtion Planning Restorative Justice Solution-Focused

3-day Training on Restorative Justice & Solution-Focused Reentry & Transition Planning Circles

March 16 – 18, 2011, Rochester, New York, Lorenn Walker & Rebecca Greening, will provide a comprehensive training on the innovative reentry and transition planning circle process developed in Hawai’i for imprisoned people and their loved ones. Also discussed on the VERA Institute of Justice website: Reentry & Transition Planning Circles are based on the principles and practices of restorative justice (RJ) and solution-focused brief therapy (SF) approaches. The Circles can be used for…

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courts drug rehabilitation federal legislation news Problem-solving Courts Restorative Justice

Federal Measures Before Congress that Can Help Promote Restorative Justice

On Tuesday May 11, 2010 4:00 p.m. two measures will be heard by the U. S. House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security: H.R. 4080, the Criminal Justice Reinvestment Act of 2009; and H.R. 4055, the Honest Opportunity Probation with Enforcement (HOPE) Initiative Act of 2009. Reinvesting in crime and the HOPE programs could provide for restorative interventions. Judge Steven Alm a former U.S. Attorney for Hawai‘i, developed the HOPE program. While it…

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Lorenn visits Aoteroa, New Zealand!

May 28 – April 17, 2008: Lorenn visited Aoteroa (New Zealand). She met with many wonderful people involved with restorative justice including Gabrielle Maxwell, Matt Hakiaha, Judge David Carruthers, Anne Hayden, Judge Carolyn Henshaw, Marie Connolly, Judge Stan Thorburn and the amazing June Jackson who is head of Auckland’s Njawhare Waatea Marae. June and her friends have built a wonderful community at the Marae – it was truly inspirational. Lorenn also visited prisons in Auckland…

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